
Triad 1

Novel: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Triad 2

Novel: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Triad 3

Novel: The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Triad 4

Novel: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Triad 5

Novel: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

Dialectical Journal Example (hint – It’s a T chart )

You may use the following model to create a dialectical journal; and I will use this model to evaluate your work.  The purpose of this assignment is for you to keep a record of your thinking and learning as you read.  If you have difficulty reading the novel, go back to the main characters.  “What do you learn about the main characters in specific passages?” is a good way to approach this assignment, although not the only way.  The journals will be due the first day of class, August 10.  You will write TEN entries for The Scarlet Letter.
To Kill a Mockingbird
QUOTE (2 point) THOUGHTFUL RESPONSE (8 points)

"There was no hurry, for there Apparently Maycomb is also a very
was nowhere to go. . . nothing slow sleepy town that is pretty isolated
to see outside the boundaries from everything else. This seems
of Maycomb County; but it was to be especially true since they only
a time of vague optimism for some have a "vague" notion of FDR's speech
of the people: Maycomb had (an allusion to the depression of the 1930's
recently been told that it had nothing which must be the era in which the
to fear but fear itself" (7-8) story takes place) and there is "nothing"
outside of Maycomb County. I wonder 
why they see the world this way - maybe
people don't travel because of the 
depression or because that is just not
what people did. It is interesting to me 
that it seems so much like Hemet except 
that people in Maycomb have "vague 
optimism." I feel like people don't feel
optimistic now. I certainly don't kow what
I am going to do after high school and 
college. In the depression, what did 
they have to feel optimistic about? 
They just didn't know any better.

How long does this journal need to be?  You are required to have TEN (10) passages with corresponding responses.  THE PASSAGES MUST BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ENTIRE BOOK!  In other words, ten passages taken only from the first few chapters, or even the last few chapters, will not be acceptable.  

How will I be graded?  Each text response combination will be worth FIVE (10) points for a total of 100 points for the assignment.  Points will be deducted from the TEXT side for failure to document accurately and completely according to the model provided.  Points will be deducted on the RESPONSE side for being superficial and/or for incompleteness.  Each response must be at least 100-200 words in length.  Avoid summarizing the passage!

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